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Art Vibes – Let's share beauty | March 4, 2025

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Tristan Eaton - Pop Murales

Tristan Eaton – Pop Murales

| On 07, Lug 2014

Realizzare un mash up visuale in perfetto stile pop.

di Redazione Art Vibes

L’ artista di Los Angeles Tristan Eaton fonde tra loro ritrattistica e cultura popolare per creare murales, che hanno come protagonisti personaggi stilizzati dei cartoni animati, loghi, tipografia, livelli che si fondono l’uno sull’altro dando vita ad un perfetto mashup di immagini.

Cresciuto a fumetti, graffiti e cultura skate, la sua educazione si riflette in modo evidente nei suoi lavori. Le sue opere fantasiose creano composizioni audaci che catturano subito l’attenzione e piacciono proprio a tutti!

– Images credit: ©

– via: My modern met

I Was a Botox Junkie (LA)
I Was a Botox Junkie (LA) – Located at 3rd St. & Traction St., Downtown LA. Painted in the summer of 2013.
Spirit of Communication (FL)
Spirit of Communication (FL) – Painted in West Palm Beach, Florida in March of 2014.
Spirit of Communication (FL)
Spirit of Communication (FL) – Painted in West Palm Beach, Florida in March of 2014.
Liberty (NYC)
Liberty (NYC) – Painted in September of 2012, this mural is located at the corner of Mulberry St. and Canal St. in New York City’s beloved Little Italy neighborhood.
Liberty (NYC)
Liberty (NYC) – Painted in September of 2012, this mural is located at the corner of Mulberry St. and Canal St. in New York City’s beloved Little Italy neighborhood.
Sharon of Eden (Santa Monica, CA)
Sharon of Eden (Santa Monica, CA) – This murales is located at the corner of Lincoln Blvd & Pacific St. in the heart of Santa Monica, CA.
Sharon of Eden (Santa Monica, CA)
Sharon of Eden (Santa Monica, CA) – This murales is located at the corner of Lincoln Blvd & Pacific St. in the heart of Santa Monica, CA.
Pow Wow Hawaii (HI)
Pow Wow Hawaii (HI) – In February 2014, Tristan was invited to participate in the Pow Wow Hawaii mural festival on Honolulu.
Audrey of Mulberry (NYC)
Audrey of Mulberry (NYC) – This piece was painted in August or 2013, for The Little Italy Street Project and The Little Italy Merchants Association.
Audrey of Mulberry (NYC)
Audrey of Mulberry (NYC) – This piece was painted in August or 2013, for The Little Italy Street Project and The Little Italy Merchants Association.

Further reading:

– Tristan Eaton website:


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