Travel Photographer of the Year (TPOTY) 2024 - The Winners
Redazione Art-Vibes | On 09, Feb 2025
La fotografa americana Piper Mackay si aggiudica il prestigioso titolo di “Travel Photographer of the Year” con una serie di scatti minimalisti che raccontano l’anima del Kenya.
di Redazione Art Vibes
Picture: OVERALL WINNER – THE TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR 2024, Piper Mackay, USA – Omorate, Omo Valley, Ethiopia. (A young Daasanach woman in traditional attire, embodying both strength and grace, holds a calabash—used for carrying liquids—amid the harsh landscape of the Omo Valley. The infrared photography lends the scene an ethereal glow, turning the rugged earth into soft, silky plains while accentuating her radiant skin. The calabash, a symbol of daily life and tradition, rests gently in her hands. Her calm expression contrasts with the harshness of the environment, reflecting resilience and a profound bond with the land.
TECHNICAL DATA: Nikon Z7 converted to Infrared, 24-70 2.8 lens, f7.1, 1/400s, ISO 200.
Sono state svelate le immagini vincitrici dell’edizione 2024 del Travel Photographer of the Year (TPOTY). Gli scatti premiati spaziano da ritratti intimi a incredibili paesaggi atmosferici, un viaggio visivo in giro per il mondo che cattura stati d’animo e colori mozzafiato.
Il premio generale è andato a Piper Mackay, talentuosa fotografa degli Stati Uniti, insignita con il prestigioso riconoscimento del Travel Photographer of the Year 2024,
Piper Mackay adotta l’insolito approccio di scattare a infrarossi (IR): i suoi ritratti di donne africane appaiono squisiti nei loro dettagli, così come sorprendono i suoi scatti di giraffe nel Maasai Mara in Kenya.
Il fondatore di TPOTY, Chris Coe, ha affermato: “Molte immagini viste oggi sono eccessivamente sature, eccessivamente elaborate e persino generate dall’intelligenza artificiale. Un approccio “less is more” è spesso molto più efficace. E’ rincuorante giudicare immagini che dimostrano una buona abilità nella fotografia e creatività nella fotocamera, scattate a pieno formato o quasi, e con pochissimi ritocchi“.
“Le immagini distintive e vincitrici di Piper Mackay illustrano bene questo ideale “less is more”. Sono splendidamente composte e celebrano sia le donne indigene che la fauna selvatica della savana africana. L’uso del bianco e nero, con una fotocamera convertita per scattare a infrarossi (IR), ci consente di assorbire i dettagli e l’atmosfera che un buon monocromatico trasmette così bene. Le sue immagini hanno un impatto immediato, ma i dettagli intricati e l’atmosfera catturati risultano essere accattivanti e molto coinvolgenti“.

OVERALL WINNER – THE TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR 2024, Piper Mackay, USA, Amboseli National Park, Kenya. (Two Maasai giraffes gracefully stroll across the stormy Amboseli plains, their slender necks rising against a dramatic backdrop of dark clouds and jagged hills. The setting sun illuminates the scene. The air is tense, and the storm’s approach adds a sense of urgency to their slow, deliberate steps. Despite the ominous skies, their calm, majestic demeanour evokes a sense of resilience, a living testament to survival in the unforgiving wilderness of East Africa. This was photographed in infrared). TECHNICAL DATA: Nikon Z7 converted to Infrared, 70-200 2.8 lens, f6.3, 1/1600s, ISO 640
Piper, che ora vive in Kenya, ha affermato: “La mia filosofia è sempre stata ‘Non lasciare mai che la foto determini la tua esperienza, lascia sempre che l’esperienza determini la foto’. Questo premio completa la passione e il lavoro della mia vita in Africa per oltre due decenni. Non esiste onore più grande!”
Il Travel Photographer of the Year celebra inoltre le potenziali star del futuro attraverso i premi Young TPOTY. Quest’anno i vincitori e i fotografi classificati provengono da sei paesi diversi, con il primo vincitore assoluto dei premi dalla Cina, il quattordicenne Raymond Zhang, che ha ricevuto il titolo di Young Travel Photographer of the Year 2024 per il suo portfolio di un vecchio treno a vapore e dei suoi macchinisti, fotografati proprio nel cuore dell’azione.
Il fotografo polacco diciassettenne Maksymilian Paczkowski ha partecipato per la prima volta al TPOTY quando era molto giovane. Ora ha ottenuto i massimi riconoscimenti nella categoria Young TPOTY 15-18 anni. La sua meravigliosa serie di scatti di uccelli, tutti realizzati nel suo paese, usa il colore in modo intelligente.

WINNER, YOUNG TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR 2024, Raymond Zhang, China (age 14), Sandaoling coal mine, Hami city, Xinjiang province, China. (I took this picture during the workers’ short break. I could only take a snapshot with my phone since they really didn’t have much break time during their work. In the background, you can see the red traditional artwork which symbolizes Chinese New Year. Although the workers had to be at this harsh site and not with their family, they remained positive toward life). TECHNICAL DATA: iPhone XS Max, Apple lens lens, f1.8, 1/60s, ISO 320.

WINNER, YOUNG TPOTY 14 YEARS AND UNDER, Leonardo Murray, Australia (age 12), Namibia. (Namibia sand dunes at sunset). TECHNICAL DATA: Nikon Z9, 70-200mm lens, f10, 1/400s, ISO 200.
La categoria Young TPOTY 14 anni e meno è stata invece vinta dal dodicenne australiano Leonardo Murray per le sue magnifiche immagini di dune nel deserto del Namib. Il secondo classificato Jamie Smart, di soli 9 anni, merita una menzione speciale in questa fascia d’età per la sua serie scattata a Bempton Cliffs in Inghilterra.
Il premio di Piper Mackay include una borsa di studio in denaro di £ 2000 da TPOTY, il software di imaging Radiant Photo e una revisione del portfolio da parte del miglior agente di New York Frank Meo. Il giovane vincitore di TPOTY Raymond Zhang riceve £ 500 da TPOTY, più il software di imaging Radiant Photo.
Leonardo Murray e Maksymilian Paczkowski hanno ricevuto i £ 250 ciascuno. Tutti e tre i giovani vincitori vinceranno anche un posto in un workshop di fotografia Eye for the Light o una critica fotografica.
Per questa edizione del 2024 fotografi amatoriali e professionisti da oltre 150 paesi hanno inviato più di 20.000 immagini. Gli scatti vincitori, tutti visibili nella Winners’ Gallery su, saranno esposti per la prima volta al Banbury Museum and Galleries, a Banbury, nel Regno Unito, dal 29 marzo al 7 luglio 2025. TPOTY sarà inoltre esposto a Xposure negli Emirati Arabi Uniti; un’altra mostra seguirà a Changsha, nella provincia di Hunan, in Cina, a metà giugno.
The Winners
Overall Winner: the Travel Photographer of the Year 2024 – Piper Mackay, USA
Young Travel Photographer of the Year 2024 – Raymond Zhang, China (age 14)
Young TPOTY Winner, 15-18 years – Maksymilian Paczkowski, Poland (age 17)
Young TPOTY Winner, 14 years & under – Leonardo Murray, Australia (age 12)
Portfolio Winner: Faces, People, Cultures – Maricruz Sainz de Aja, Mexico
Portfolio Winner: Planet Earth – Landscapes, Climate & Water – Roie Galitz, Israel
Portfolio Winner: Travel in Monochrome – Aleš Krivec, Slovenia
Portfolio Winner: Wildlife, Nature & Underwater – Jenny Stock, UK
One Shot Winner: Cities, Towns, Streets – Matthew DeSantis, USA
One Shot Winner: Escape – Ngar Shun Victor Wong, Hong Kong
One Shot Winner: Festivals & Celebrations – Jo Kearney, UK
One Shot Winner: Women in World Culture – Erhan Coral, Turkey
Rising Talent Winners: Sofia Brogi, Italy; Gilberto Costa, Portugal; Thibault Gerbaldi, France; Dmytro Geshengorin, Germany; Kevin Hoare, USA; Florian Kriechbaumer, Germany; Jo Martindale, UK; Kaz Rollison, UK; Khaichuin Sim, Malaysia; Agnieszka Wieczorek, Poland
People’s Choice Winner: Mauro de Bettio, Italy

WINNER, FACES, PEOPLE, CULTURES PORTFOLIO, Maricruz Sainz de Aja, Mexico, Simbu Province, Central Highlands, Papua New Guinea. (Two Wauga elders stand together, among the very few who remain as guardians of their tribe’s traditions. Their weathered faces, marked by deep wrinkles, reflect a lifetime of wisdom and resilience. Adorned with intricate feathered headdresses and covered in black mud, they represent a culture at risk of fading. The elder in the foreground gazes thoughtfully, bearing the responsibility of preserving their legacy. Behind him, the second elder mirrors the same quiet strength, their shared presence a symbol of the community’s enduring bonds. This powerful image captures the fragility of their cultural rituals, reminding us of the importance of safeguarding traditions before they are lost forever). TECHNICAL DATA: NIKON Z7, 24-70 mm lens, f4.5, 1/80sec, ISO 2500.

WINNER, PLANET EARTH – LANDSCAPE, CLIMATE & WATER PORTFOLIO – Roie Galitz, Israel, Bråsvellbreen, Svalbard. (More waterfalls carve the landscape of Bråsvellbreen. As ice caps and glaciers melt faster in our polar regions, we will lose so much of this fragile environment to climate change. As these waters flow into the ocean, they accelerate coastal threats worldwide, emphasizing the urgency of addressing climate change to protect vulnerable ecosystems and human populations alike). TECHNICAL DATA: DJI Mavic 3 Pro, 24mm lens, f3.5, 1/120s, ISO 100.

WINNER, BEST SINGLE IMAGE IN FACES, PEOPLE, CULTURES PORTFOLIO, Partha Pratim Roy, India. Mount Bromo, Jawa Timur, East Java, Indonesia. (On the windswept sands of Mount Bromo, an Indonesian horseman struggles to control his aggressive, energetic horse. The man, gripping tightly, is thrown to the ground, volcanic dust clinging to his face lined with years of toil. Life here is unyielding, demanding strength and resilience from man and beast alike. For the Tenggerese, this is more than survival—it’s a way of life, etched in their culture. The horseman, undeterred, reflects a people whose enduring spirit thrives even amidst the challenges of this untamed terrain).TECHNICAL DATA: Canon R5, 28-300mm lens, f5.6, 1/2000s, ISO 200.

WINNER, BEST SINGLE IMAGE IN PLANET EARTH – LANDSCAPE, CLIMATE & WATER PORTFOLIO, Alain Schroeder, Belgium. Jeruksari near Pekalongan, Indonesia. (Mutiari, 4 years old, plays with a friend in the flooded streets of Jeruksari. The sea level in Indonesia has risen by an alarming 4mm annually since 1992, a tangible consequence of climate change. Northern coastal cities are the most rapidly and severely affected, compounded by tidal flooding that inundates villages with slow-receding water. Poorly planned urbanization and infrastructure development also contribute to flooding in these low- lying areas). TECHNICAL DATA: FUJIFILM X-T4, 10mm lens, f4, 1/400s, ISO 400.

WINNER: ONE SHOT: ESCAPE, Ngar Shun Victor Wong, Hong Kong, Sveti Tomaz, Slovenia. (In this serene paradise, a quaint church perches atop a gentle hill, surrounded by delicate trees draped in soft snow. The tranquil atmosphere, illuminated by a gentle glow, invites introspection. Wisps of mist weave through the landscape, creating a dreamlike quality that embodies peace and timeless beauty). TECHNICAL DATA Canon R5, 100-400mm lens, f11, 5s, ISO 50

RUNNER-UP, ONE SHOT: WOMEN IN WORLD CULTURE, Jo Kearney, UK, Rumbur, Kalash Valleys, near Chitral, Pakistan. (I took this photograph the day before the Chilam Joshi festival so the children were wearing their festival clothes to school. These included vibrant colours and headdresses with feathers. The children weren’t in the mood for studying as they were excited by the festival which is characterised by vibrant and colourful traditional clothing, music, and dances). TECHNICAL DATA Nikon Z6, 24-70mm lens, f2.8, 1/160s, ISO 6400.
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