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Art Vibes – Let's share beauty | March 4, 2025

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Romain Laurent - Animated Portraits

Romain Laurent – Animated Portraits

| On 04, Mag 2014

Ogni settimana un “Loop portrait” differente e stravagante.

di Redazione Art Vibes

Il fotografo Romain Laurent, crea una serie di looping animati, proponendo un nuovo bizzarro ritratto ogni settimana.
Il suo progetto è iniziato un po’ per gioco, un modo come un altro per staccare un po’ dallo stress lavorativo, in maniera del tutto inaspettata il suo lavoro continua ancora oggi.

Questi sono alcuni dei migliori “Loop portrait” del nuovo anno, ma se siete rimasti colpiti potete visionarne ulteriori sul suo profilo tumblr.

“Every week I do a loop portrait and post it here.”


When Menno Kluin has too many good ideas, his ears get a life of their own
One Loop Portrait a Week – #26 – When Menno Kluin has too many good ideas, his ears get a life of their own

Animated Portraits
“One Loop Portrait a Week” – #? – Animated Portraits

One Loop Portrait a Week - #27
As the train approaches the station, Salim Santa Lucia can’t contain his enthusiasm
“One Loop Portrait a Week – #27
As the train approaches the station, Salim Santa Lucia can’t contain his enthusiasm”

One Loop Portrait a Week - #26.1
Today Lacy Rhoades is moving back to Nashville, Tennessee. Here he is, warming up for the long drive ahead.
“One Loop Portrait a Week” – #26.1
Today Lacy Rhoades is moving back to Nashville, Tennessee. Here he is, warming up for the long drive ahead.

Romain Laurent - Animated Portraits - One Loop Portrait a Week - #28
Aissa Logerot's feather light takraw ball
“One Loop Portrait a Week” – #28
Aissa Logerot’s feather light takraw ball

One Loop Portrait a Week - #32
Darwin Deez hovers majestically
“One Loop Portrait a Week” – #32
Darwin Deez hovers majestically

One Loop Portrait a Week - #29
Yannick Roux’s mind is high in potassium
“One Loop Portrait a Week” – #29
Yannick Roux’s mind is high in potassium

One Loop Portrait a Week - #30
Everyone is instagraming Julie Glassberg using her film camera
“One Loop Portrait a Week” – #30
Everyone is instagraming Julie Glassberg using her film camera


– All images via:

Further reading:

– Romain Laurent Website:

– Tumblr profile:

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