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Art Vibes – Let's share beauty | March 29, 2025

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All About Photo - AAP Magazine #31: PORTRAIT

All About Photo – AAP Magazine #31: PORTRAIT

| On 12, Giu 2023

25 fotografi interpretano la fotografia di ritratto con narrative personali intense ed emotivamente profonde. I vincitori del contest indetto da All About Photo.

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Picture: Nanda Hagenaars (Netherlands) – Perspective, 1st Place winner, All About Photo – AAP Magazine #31: PORTRAIT. (Portrait where I shift my perspective and try new ways of looking and photographing. Squeezing one eye, finding composition and contrast).

La cosa più difficile per me è un ritratto. Devi provare a mettere la tua macchina fotografica tra la pelle di una persona e la sua maglietta.
– Henry Cartier-Bresson

La fotografia di ritratto è rafforzata da un’ampia varietà di forme e metodi, che vanno dall’identificazione all’approccio più sensibile alla cattura delle emozioni (compreso il suo potenziale per esaltare il modello o educare il pubblico). Va oltre le fotografie ambientate in studio o i normali ritratti di famiglia per diventare un genere a sé stante, consentendo ai fotografi di esprimere il loro pieno potenziale creativo.

Un ritratto può suscitare una varietà di risposte, comprese quelle che descrivono, rivelano, abbelliscono, interrogano e turbano. Tuttavia, se un ritratto ha mille volti, potremmo mostrarne solo alcuni, quindi in questo nuovo numero di AAP Magazine, 25 fotografi provenienti da 11 paesi diversi e quattro continenti hanno condiviso le loro prospettive.

Ognuno di loro rivela la propria narrativa personale e il diverso approccio alla fotografia di ritratto.

La vincitrice di AAP Magazine 31 Portrait è stata Nanda Hagenaars (Olanda) con la serie “Perspective”. I secondi classificati sono stati Anna Hayat e Slava Pirsky (Israele) con la serie “Alex”. Il terzo classificato è Matt Findley (Stati Uniti) con la serie “Anomium

Gli altri vincitori presenti nella Galleria del Merit Award sono stati: Lisa McCord (USA), Alain Schroeder (Belgio), Erberto Zani (Svizzera), Lori Pond (USA), Frank Baudino (USA), Charles Shotwell (USA), Roberta Vagliani ( Italia), Hugo Thomassen (Paesi Bassi), Annemarie Jung (Lussemburgo), Ian McFarlane (USA), Nicola Ducati (Italia), Prescott Lassman (USA), David Dhaen (Belgio), Emily Fisher (USA), Laurie Freitag (USA) ), Marc Gaillot (Francia), Joseph-Philippe Bevillard (Irlanda), Stephen Hoffman (USA), Christian Bobst (Svizzera), Rossi Fang (Taiwan), Eliane Band (Brasile) e Stephanie Eley (USA).

Tutti i vincitori vedranno il loro lavoro in mostra su All About Photo Winners Gallery e pubblicato nel numero cartaceo di AAP Magazine #31 Ritratto.


Anna Hayat and Slava Pirsky (Israel) - Daughter of Chinghis Khan, Series: Alex. 2nd Place winners: All About Photo - AAP Magazine #31: PORTRAIT
Anna Hayat and Slava Pirsky (Israel) – Daughter of Chinghis Khan, Series: Alex. 2nd Place winners: All About Photo – AAP Magazine #31: PORTRAIT. (The photograph “Daughter of Chinghis Khan” is a part of our larger project, in which we captured our daughter from birth to adulthood. Through it, we explore the process of growing up and the development of one’s personality).

Matt Findley (USA) - Anomium No. 3. Series:  Anomium. 3rd Place winner, All About Photo - AAP Magazine #31: PORTRAIT
Matt Findley (USA) – Anomium No. 3. Series: Anomium. 3rd Place winner, All About Photo – AAP Magazine #31: PORTRAIT. (The Anomium series is informed by the concept of Higonnet’s “knowing child” – the idea that childhood is a time of both innocence and wisdom, a brief window blessed with this innocence but burdened by the knowledge of an unkind world. This series examines these ideas and seeks to evoke a sense of transformation that is at once haunting while retaining elements of this fading purity, and to serve as a testament to the resilience and beauty of childhood in the face of the journey towards maturity. Note to the editors: this is not an AI image)

Erberto Zani (Switzerland) - Mercury poisoning in Indonesia, Merit Gallery, All About Photo - AAP Magazine #31: PORTRAIT
Erberto Zani (Switzerland) – Mercury poisoning in Indonesia, Merit Gallery, All About Photo – AAP Magazine #31: PORTRAIT. (Naomi, 5 years old, was born with hydrocephaly. At age of 20 days, she was adobt by Wisma Kasih Bunda Foundation (Semarang, East Java, Indonesia, 2023). Minamata’s disease is caused by chronic mercury poisoning.
This metal, used in hundreds of illegal gold mines in the forests of Java, Indonesia, is contaminating the environment. Miners, who have worked for years in contact with mercury, have developed neurological degenerative diseases. But the spillage of gold mining waste has contaminated also the aquifers upstream: the villages downstream from the mines, have for years used water with mercury for domestic use and to irrigate crops.
On Java island, are dozens of cases of poisoning: pregnant women have passed mercury to the fetus without their knowledge, causing irreversible damage to the unborn child with morphological and anatomical abnormalities.
The disease is manifested by neurological problems, difficulty in movement, muscle weakness, visual, auditory and cognitive deficits, hydrocephaly. Paralysis or coma can also occur until death. These photo are part of the long-term project “Venoms” on the subject of pollution created by humans).

Charles Shotwell - Chamoi Head, Merit Gallery, All About Photo - AAP Magazine #31: PORTRAIT
Charles Shotwell – Chamoi Head, Merit Gallery, All About Photo – AAP Magazine #31: PORTRAIT. (Charles Shotwell is an artist whose media is photography. His art has been influenced greatly by his work as a commercial studio photographer of 46 years in Chicago. The still life nature of his photography reflects the cross-fertilization of his commercial work and his artistic ideas. About this image: A wet Chamoi wrapped around a manikins head , held on by rubber bands till dry. No retouching was used).

Roberta Vagliani (Italy) - The right to know, Merit Gallery, All About Photo - AAP Magazine #31: PORTRAIT
Roberta Vagliani (Italy) – The right to know, Merit Gallery, All About Photo – AAP Magazine #31: PORTRAIT. (Nelson Mandela said «Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world». This image was taken in a school in Zanzibar, where there are no desks, chairs or school supplies. All these little girls own is a notebook and their own memory. Knowledge is passed on to them by a single master. In every person there is the possibility to transform the world).

Joseph-Philippe Bevillard (Ireland) - Biddy, Tipperary, Ireland 2020, Merit Gallery, All About Photo - AAP Magazine #31: PORTRAIT
Joseph-Philippe Bevillard (Ireland) – Biddy, Tipperary, Ireland 2020, Merit Gallery, All About Photo – AAP Magazine #31: PORTRAIT. (Irish Traveller Biddy leans against a horse transport box for the photograph. She lives in a 3-berth caravan on the roadside campsite with her parents and ten other siblings.In 2009, I started photographing the Travellers who are an ethnic group at a horse fair in Ireland. I returned to the horse fair the following year to meet them again and to give them some photos I had taken. They gained my trust and invited me to photograph their families and other clans. I am intrigued by their nomadic lifestyle so I decided to visit their caravans, halting sites and roadside encampments. In March 2017, Irish Travellers group have been formally recognized as an ethnic group. Today, they are still facing racism, discrimination, hardship by society and high suicide rates. Travellers are very proud of their culture. I want to represent these people through my photographs. My goal is to continue to work with these families as well as other members that I encounter, and perhaps let the settled people have more understanding of their unique culture).

Christian Bobst (Switzerland) - Samba Soknhna Ba, Ferlo Desert, Senegal, 2023, Merit Gallery, All About Photo - AAP Magazine #31: PORTRAIT
Christian Bobst (Switzerland) – Samba Soknhna Ba, Ferlo Desert, Senegal, 2023, Merit Gallery, All About Photo – AAP Magazine #31: PORTRAIT. (The pastoralists in the Ferlo Desert are an important example of people’s ability to adapt to extreme conditions and the importance of tradition and culture in a changing world. Although they face many challenges, they continue to live their lives and maintain their unique way of life).

– via: Art Vibes submission

– photo courtesy of:

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