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Art Vibes – Let's share beauty | March 28, 2025

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AAP Magazine #33: Nature - Gli scatti vincitori

AAP Magazine #33: Nature – Gli scatti vincitori

| On 29, Ago 2023

Il fotografo canadese Thomas Vijayan con lo scatto intitolato “Golden Headed Langur” vince Il contest di fotografia naturalistica organizzato da All About Photo.

di Redazione Art Vibes

Picture ©Thomas Vijayan (Canada) – Golden Headed Langur/Courtesy of All About Photo. (I had taken this image while I was riding on a boat in Vietnam. The Cat Ba langur (Trachypithecus poliocephalus), also known as the golden-headed langur, is a critically endangered species of langur endemic to Cát Bà Island, Vietnam. Only 65-67 individuals remaining. Average body length is 20 inches (50 cm), then tails extend another 3 feet (85 cm). Their Infants are born a flamboyant orange and keep their bright coloring until about four months of age, it takes several years for them to fully fade into adult coloration. The species nearly went extinct 20 years ago due to rampant poaching for traditional medicine and hunting for sport).

Sono in prevalenza donne e provengono da 11 paesi diversi e 3 continenti. Sono i 25 talentuosi fotografi vincitori dell’ “AAP Magazine #33: Nature”, la rassegna organizzata da All About Photo Magazine.

Per questa nuova edizione sono stati selezionati progetti che catturano magnificamente l’essenza della natura, scatti in grado di risaltare la magnificenza dei paesaggi, della fauna selvatica, della flora e della fauna.

Il contest celebra la bellezza della fotografia naturalistica, un genere autoriale che elogia la maestosità della Madre Terra, e pone accento sull’importanza della salvaguardia e conservazione dell’ambiente.

Il vincitore assoluto, insignito del primo premio è Thomas Vijayan (Canada) con l’immagine “Golden Headed Langur”. Al secondo posto si è invece piazzato Teri Figliuzzi (United States) con la serie intitolata “Gathering”. In terza posizione si è classificata invece Christina Mcfaul (United States) con la serie intitolata “Sanctuary in the Wild”.

Gli altri vincitori inseriti nella Gallery del Merit Award sono: Diana Bloomfield (Stati Uniti), Gulgun Gunal (Francia), Ahmet Turgay Uzer (Turchia/Francia), Alexej Sachov (Ucraina), Pablo Trilles Farrington (Spagna), Stéphane Garnavault (Svizzera), Olivier Unio (Marocco/Francia), Thaddäus Biberauer (Austria), Paolo Ameli (Italia), Nathan Rochefort (Stati Uniti), Diane Hemingway (Stati Uniti), Jo Fields (Stati Uniti), Torrance York (Stati Uniti), Carmen Villar (Spagna), Jacqui Turner (Stati Uniti), Myrtie Cope (Stati Uniti), Lev L Spiro (Stati Uniti), Calli McCaw (Stati Uniti), Kelly Sotolongo (Stati Uniti), Jean Karotkin (Stati Uniti) e Francisco Gonzalez Camacho (Finlandia).

I primi 3 vincitori hanno ricevuto $ 1.000. Il lavoro di tutti gli autori segnalati sarà esposto nella All About Photo Winners Gallery e pubblicato nel numero cartaceo di AAP Magazine # 33 Natura.


Teri Figliuzzi (USA) - Duet (300dpi/3000 on longest side). Title of series: Gathering. 2nd Place Winner, AAP Magazine 33 Nature / Courtesy of All About Photo
©Teri Figliuzzi (USA) – Duet (Title of series: “Gathering”)/Courtesy of All About Photo.
(Gathering” is an ongoing series of phytograms using botanicals as the subject matter to bring focus to all stages of life and its fragility, both tangible and ethereal).

Christina Mcfaul (USA) - Unfurling (Sanctuary in the Wild), 3rd Place Winner, AAP Magazine 33 Nature / Courtesy of All About Photo
©Christina Mcfaul (USA) – Unfurling (Sanctuary in the Wild) / Courtesy of All About Photo
(The earth is dreaming through us, and we must awaken to it. I find sanctuary in wild places that live and breathe here and now – within and without. Discovering the magic and mystery of the wild, is a reminder that we too are wild. If you would like more writing, this could be included as well: “I was raised on a lake nestled in the Santa Monica Mountains, where fences were non-existent and I roamed freely. It is where my bond with nature took root. I wish to convey this sense of wonder and discovery in my portrait, still life, and landscape photography.”)

Nathan Rochefort (USA) - Hydrothermal Basin, Wyoming. 2022. Title of the series: American Nature. Merit gallery, AAP Magazine 33 Nature / Courtesy of All About Photo.
©Nathan Rochefort (USA) – Hydrothermal Basin, Wyoming. 2022. Title of the series: American Nature/Courtesy of All About Photo.
(A false-color infrared image of fumaroles in a hydrothermal basin, Norris Geyser Basin at Yellowstone National Park).

Diane Hemingway (USA) - Buttercups. Series Title: The Wild Cosmos, Merit gallery, AAP Magazine 33 Nature / Courtesy of All About Photo.
©Diane Hemingway (USA) – Buttercups. Series Title: The Wild Cosmos, Merit gallery, AAP Magazine 33 Nature / Courtesy of All About Photo.
(The photographs in The Wild Cosmos chronicle my interior journey through life and profound loss. Even as an adult, nothing prepared me for when the stars–my mom, dad, and brother–fell from the sky. Seeking solace, I immersed myself in the land and in my art, trusting that my world would right itself. Nature is a portal to survival. Much like the transcendentalists, I believe that it is essential to experience the simplicity and solitude of nature to better understand oneself. My photographs are love letters to places, memories, dreams and family. Each is an invitation to pay).

Carmen Villar (Spain) - Colourful sunrise in Patagonia, Merit gallery, AAP Magazine 33 Nature / Courtesy of All About Photo.
©Carmen Villar (Spain) – Colourful sunrise in Patagonia/Courtesy of All About Photo.
(Lenticular clouds over Torres del Paine. Before the sun came up, the color of the clouds was simply impressive. With my heart beating strongly, I climbed up some rocks to have a better view and, to my surprise, a spectacular river dyed with the color of the sky, appeared on my left, Torres del Paine welcomed me!!!).

Alexej Sachov (Germany/Ukraine) - Modern Rabbit Underwater. Title of the series: New Cosmos Underwater. Merit gallery, AAP Magazine 33 Nature / Courtesy of All About Photo.
©Alexej Sachov (Germany/Ukraine) – Modern Rabbit Underwater. Title of the series: New Cosmos Underwater / Courtesy of All About Photo.
(Humans replace endangered species with more advanced ones—the plastic-made species will rule the underwater world soon. With this series you dive into an eerie and mysterious underwater universe where small particles and plankton play the role of stars, and plastic species are brought to life by our unrequited attitude towards nature).

– photo courtesy of: All About Photo.

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