Wang Ruilin - Dreams, surreal sculptures
Redazione Art-Vibes | On 21, Ott 2014
Frammenti di una mitologia perduta riflessi nelle sculture surreali di animali.
di Redazione Art Vibes
Tutti ricordiamo il mito di Atlante, titano, a cui Zeus impose di tenere sulle spalle l’intera volta celeste.
Sulla scia di questa memoria mitologica, lo scultore Wang Ruilin ha rimescolato le carte elaborando un concept artistico davvero surreale e fantasioso.
Ruilin è uno scultore di talento con sede a Pechino, laureatosi alla China Academy of Art, ha ideato e realizzato “Dreams“, una maestosa serie di sculture surreali in rame, raffiguranti diverse creature marine e terrestri che si fondono con l’ambiente circostante e sorreggono in alcuni casi, terre emerse o distese d’acqua.
La serie è stata anche protagonista all’ ART Beijing di quest’anno.
Se siete interessati a visionare maggiori lavori di questo artista potete visitare il suo sito o il suo profilo Behance.
Wang Ruilin – Pursuit of Dreams, surreal sculptures

Dreams Rhino
Interview on his website about Dreams series:
“Pursuit of Dreams” comes from my imagination, which is the balance between nature and abnormal state. Animals in Pursuit of Dreams may not be lifelike for I wish to inject different spiritualities and spirits of the east and remind people to focus and admire on other individuals who are the same or even more beautiful besides themselves only.
Pursuit of Dreams-ark is the work I was inspired in the moment of 2012 when people were concerning on how to be saved and I make ark to save not only rivers and mountains of human. In the space of impermanent compounds, what we pursue may not exist really and we can only feel the value and force of life when the doom is set. Just as the big fish that I compare to ark, it carries mountains and rivers with life and observes the world with the soul.
Leaving individuals behind is painful, but it allows us to reduce confusion; to find true self is difficult, but it gives us the happiness of one in a million. When it comes to styles of animals in Pursuit of Dreams, I am exploring and pursuing to the flash in the pan that shows the same of classical paintings and the force that never makes two bites of a cherry all the time on the basis of sculptures. On colors, eastern classical art also gives me inspiration. I like deep and pure Chinese flowers and bright and cool verdigris with rich colors and full of profoundness and uniqueness, which are spreading intensive natural breaths and secrecies.
– images via:
– Photo credits: © Wang Ruilin

Dreams Floating2

Dreams Crocodile

Dreams Yak

Horse Play N.1 – N.2

Dreams Floating1

Dreams Bird

Dreams Horse

Dreams Ark1

Dreams Yak

Dreams Ark2

Wang Ruilin under his sculpture

Creating a sculpture
Wang Ruilin – Dreams, surreal sculptures
Further reading:
– Wang Ruilin website: