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Melissa McCracken - Synesthetic art

Melissa McCracken – Synesthetic art

| On 29, Apr 2015

Dipingere la musica: l’arte di Melissa McCracken.

di Redazione Art Vibes

L’artista del Missouri Melissa McCracken dipinge quadri che trasudano una forte energia musicale. Melissa soffre di sinestesia, un fenomeno sensoriale/percettivo, che porta alla luce una “contaminazione” dei sensi nella percezione, come se stimolazione uditiva, olfattiva, tattile o visiva fossero percepite come eventi sensoriali distinti ma conviventi.
Tale disturbo le offre la possibilità di tradurre i suoni che quotidianamente ascolta in colori ed emozioni su tela, un desiderio che nasce dalla voglia di condividere con gli altri il suo mondo ovattato, tutto personale.

I suoi dipinti ad olio e acrilico non sono altro che frammenti dei luoghi e dei suoni che quotidianamente incrocia. Ispirata da certe canzoni, ha dato vita a dipinti magnifici, lampi di colore che nascondono un’intima sensibilità artistica.

Riportiamo le parole di Melissa citate sul suo sito ufficiale:

Until I was 15, I thought everyone constantly saw colors. Colors in books, colors in math formulas, colors at concerts. But when I finally asked my brother which color the letter C was (canary yellow, by the way) I realized my mind wasn’t quite as normal as I had thought.

Basically, my brain is cross-wired. I experience the “wrong” sensation to certain stimuli. Each letter and number is colored and the days of the year circle around my body as if they had a set point in space. But the most wonderful “brain malfunction” of all is seeing the music I hear. It flows in a mixture of hues, textures, and movements, shifting as if it were a vital and intentional element of each song.

Having synesthesia isn’t distracting or disorienting. It adds a unique vibrance to the world I experience.

– images via:

– photo credits: © Melissa McCracken

Melissa McCracken – Synesthetic art
Melissa McCracken - Synesthetic art, Airhead - Callow
Melissa McCracken – Synesthetic art, Airhead – Callow

Melissa McCracken - Synesthetic art, David Bowie - Life on Mars?
Melissa McCracken – Synesthetic art, David Bowie – Life on Mars?

Melissa McCracken - Synesthetic art, John Lennon - Imagine
Melissa McCracken – Synesthetic art, John Lennon – Imagine

Melissa McCracken - Synesthetic art, Led Zeppelin - Since I've Been Loving You
Melissa McCracken – Synesthetic art, Led Zeppelin – Since I’ve Been Loving You

Melissa McCracken - Synesthetic art, Prince - Joy in Repetition
Melissa McCracken – Synesthetic art, Prince – Joy in Repetition

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Melissa McCracken - Synesthetic art, Radiohead - Karma Police
Melissa McCracken – Synesthetic art, Radiohead – Karma Police
Melissa McCracken – Synesthetic art

Further reading:

– Melissa McCracken website:

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