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Art Vibes – Let's share beauty | March 28, 2025

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Cai Guo-Qiang - Color Mushroom Cloud

Cai Guo-Qiang – Color Mushroom Cloud

| On 08, Gen 2018

A Chicago l’artista cinese ha commemorato la prima reazione nucleare controllata con una colorata esplosione pacifista.

di Redazione Art Vibes

Picture: Cai Guo-Qiang, Color Mushroom Cloud, 2017. Realized above the former CP-1 site, University of Chicago, December 2, 3:25pm CST. Color comets and PixelBurst™ Aerial shells, 75 meters tall. Commissioned by UChicago Arts and the Smart Museum of Art. Photo by Zoheyr Doctor and Reed Essick, courtesy Cai Studio.

Il 2 dicembre 1942 alle ore 15:25 Enrico Fermi e il suo team realizzarono all’Università di Chicago la prima reazione nucleare a catena autosufficiente. A distanza di 75 anni, per celebrare la storica ricorrenza, l’artista cinese Cai Guo-Qiang è stato invitato dall’ateneo americano e dallo Smart Museum of Art per presentare una singolare performance esplosiva.

Un fungo atomico tanto grande e colorato quanto innocuo, metafora della minaccia nucleare, è stato fatto esplodere nel cielo, una nuvola multicolore che si è innalzata ad un’altezza di poco inferiore ai 75 metri. La performance dal carattere effimero è durata appena un minuto, attirando verso l’alto lo sguardo di migliaia di spettatori accorsi per l’evento.


Pyrotechnic artwork of artist Cai Guo-Qiang. video courtesy of: the University of Chicago

Cai Guo-Qiang (Quanzhoou, 1957), Leone d’oro alla Biennale di Venezia nel 1999 e regista della spettacolare cerimonia di apertura dei Giochi Olimpici di Pechino nel 2008, è uno tra gli artisti cinesi contemporanei più interessanti.
La sua singolare mania per i fuochi d’artificio lo ha reso celebre in tutto il mondo, una passione smodata che lo ha condotto a sperimentare performance esplosive in molti paesi.

Per conoscere al meglio la sua attività artistica vi consigliamo di visionare su Netflix il documentario Sky Ladder, firmato dal regista premio oscar Kevin Macdonald.


Cai Guo-Qiang, Color Mushroom Cloud, 2017. Realized above the former CP-1 site, University of Chicago, December 2, 3:25pm CST. Color comets and PixelBurst™ Aerial shells, 75 meters tall. Commissioned by UChicago Arts and the Smart Museum of Art. Photo by Zoheyr Doctor and Reed Essick, courtesy Cai Studio.
Cai Guo-Qiang, Color Mushroom Cloud, 2017. Realized above the former CP-1 site, University of Chicago, December 2, 3:25pm CST. Color comets and PixelBurst™ Aerial shells, 75 meters tall. Commissioned by UChicago Arts and the Smart Museum of Art. Photo by Zoheyr Doctor and Reed Essick, courtesy Cai Studio.

Cai Guo-Qiang, Color Mushroom Cloud, 2017. Realized above the former CP-1 site, University of Chicago, December 2, 3:25pm CST. Color comets and PixelBurst™ Aerial shells, 75 meters tall. Commissioned by UChicago Arts and the Smart Museum of Art. Photo by Zoheyr Doctor and Reed Essick, courtesy Cai Studio.
Cai Guo-Qiang, Color Mushroom Cloud, 2017. Realized above the former CP-1 site, University of Chicago, December 2, 3:25pm CST. Color comets and PixelBurst™ Aerial shells, 75 meters tall. Commissioned by UChicago Arts and the Smart Museum of Art. Photo by Zoheyr Doctor and Reed Essick, courtesy Cai Studio.

Cai Guo-Qiang, Color Mushroom Cloud, 2017. Realized above the former CP-1 site, University of Chicago, December 2, 3:25pm CST. Color comets and PixelBurst™ Aerial shells, 75 meters tall. Commissioned by UChicago Arts and the Smart Museum of Art. Photo by Zoheyr Doctor and Reed Essick, courtesy Cai Studio.
Cai Guo-Qiang, Color Mushroom Cloud, 2017. Realized above the former CP-1 site, University of Chicago, December 2, 3:25pm CST. Color comets and PixelBurst™ Aerial shells, 75 meters tall. Commissioned by UChicago Arts and the Smart Museum of Art. Photo by Zoheyr Doctor and Reed Essick, courtesy Cai Studio.

Cai Guo-Qiang, Color Mushroom Cloud, 2017. Realized above the former CP-1 site, University of Chicago, December 2, 3:25pm CST. Color comets and PixelBurst™ Aerial shells, 75 meters tall. Commissioned by UChicago Arts and the Smart Museum of Art. Photo by Zoheyr Doctor and Reed Essick, courtesy Cai Studio.
Cai Guo-Qiang, Color Mushroom Cloud, 2017. Realized above the former CP-1 site, University of Chicago, December 2, 3:25pm CST. Color comets and PixelBurst™ Aerial shells, 75 meters tall. Commissioned by UChicago Arts and the Smart Museum of Art. Photo by Zoheyr Doctor and Reed Essick, courtesy Cai Studio.

– via: – photo credits: ©Zoheyr Doctor and Reed Essick, courtesy Cai Studio.

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