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Art Vibes – Let's share beauty | October 5, 2024

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Minimalist Photography Awards 2024 - The Winners

Minimalist Photography Awards 2024 – The Winners

| On 29, Set 2024

La fotografa Eva Chupikova è la Minimalist Photographer of the Year per l’edizione 2024 con la serie intitolata “Anna“, un elogio dell’estetica della semplicità.

di Redazione Art Vibes

Picture: Eva Chupikova – “Anna“, Minimalist Photographer of the Year 2024, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024.

Sono state oltre 3400 le candidature per partecipare ai Minimalist Photography Awards, il contest organizzato da Black & White Minimalism Magazine, alla sua sesta edizione, che celebra il potere e il fascino della fotografia minimalista.

Eva Chupikova è stata nominata Minimalist Photographer of the Year per la sua avvincente serie fotografica intitolata “Anna”, scatti che esemplificano i valori fondamentali della fotografia minimalista, dimostrando come l’arte della semplicità possa produrre risultati profondamente commoventi e visivamente sbalorditivi.

“Anna trae ispirazione dal Rinascimento, un periodo che celebrava la rinascita di valori e principi artistici classici come armonia e proporzione. Gli abiti di quell’epoca erano disegnati con motivi intricati, tessuti pregiati e lussuosi abbellimenti per simboleggiare ricchezza e status sociale.

Nel nostro mondo contemporaneo, gli abiti sono realizzati con manodopera a basso costo per massimizzare i profitti. Il risultato è che siamo inghiottiti dall’eccesso di materiale e sopraffatti da stimoli visivi e informativi. Il materialismo è il “nuovo” simbolismo di ricchezza e status sociale. In tutto questo caos, aneliamo a un nuovo senso di conformità ed equilibrio con il nostro ambiente e noi stessi. Mentre Anna è concettualmente influenzata dall’era rinascimentale, la visione di Anna è radicata in un concetto più minimalista che elimina il superfluo, concentrandosi esclusivamente sull’essenziale: trovare la “bellezza” nella semplicità”.

Eva Chupikova si è aggiudicata il Gran Premio di $ 2.000 in quanto vincitrice assoluta del contest.


La giuria

La sesta edizione dei Minimalist Photography Awards ha visto la partecipazione di 12 categorie, giudicate da una giuria di esperti del settore, tra cui:

Ute NollProprietaria e direttrice di Uno Art Space
David BurdenyFotografo professionista
Kathrin KoehlerProprietaria e direttrice di Immagis Gallery

Judith PeyratDirettrice di Baudoin Lebon Gallery
Milad SafabakhshPresidente dei Minimalist Photography Awards

Milad Safabakhsh, Presidente dei Minimalist Photography Awards, ha condiviso qui di seguito alcuni pensieri sui vincitori: “Queste immagini premiate invitano gli spettatori a fermarsi, a riflettere e ad apprezzare le sottili sfumature dell’estetica minimalista”.

Le opere vincitrici, insieme a tutte le straordinarie candidature, sono presenti sul sito web ufficiale dei Minimalist Photography Awards.

Qui di seguito una gallery con alcuni dei migliori lavori.


Gleici Rufatto - Color Conversation, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024, 1st place Abstract category
Gleici Rufatto – “Color Conversation”, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024, 1st place Abstract category. (A series of geometric images that explore the interplay of color, form, and material, capturing an essence reminiscent of architectural elements. Each piece is centered on abstract forms within the built environment, presenting a visual journey that challenges perceptions and creates a color dialog that invites viewers to consider how colors interact and influence one another within a structured composition).

Janet Capling - White on White, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024
Janet Capling – “White on White”, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024. (I drove past this house the day after a Canadian Winter Snowstorm. The virgin snow in front of the house and on the roof made a perfect minimal shot. The uniqueness of this architecture is the missing steps and balcony at of the two doors!)

Matthias Yamakasino Brandt - Magic Angles, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024, 2nd place Abstract category
Matthias Yamakasino Brandt – “Magic Angles”, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024, 2nd place Abstract category. (I took these pictures in Switzerland, the Canary Islands, Austria and Spain.
My goal as a photo artist is to find angles that reveal unexpected beauty in the mix of geometrical shapes and colors. The simplicity invites you to eventually almost forget, that you are looking at actual buildings. This is when the magic happens and you sink into the picture and forget about everything around).

Martin Annand - Time Less, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024, 3rd place Long exposure
Martin Annand – Time Less, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024, 3rd place Long exposure

Matthias Yamakasino Brandt - Magic Angles, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024, 2nd place Abstract category
Matthias Yamakasino Brandt – “Magic Angles”, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024, 2nd place Abstract category. (I took these pictures in Switzerland, the Canary Islands, Austria and Spain.
My goal as a photo artist is to find angles that reveal unexpected beauty in the mix of geometrical shapes and colors. The simplicity invites you to eventually almost forget, that you are looking at actual buildings. This is when the magic happens and you sink into the picture and forget about everything around).

Marleen Van Hove - Dancing Trees, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024, 3rd place Fine Art
Marleen Van Hove – Dancing Trees, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024, 3rd place Fine Art. (The dancing mangrove trees on the Sumba island in Indonesia).

Daniel Mead -  Spectrum, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024, 1st place Street
Daniel Mead –  Spectrum, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024, 1st place Street. (These photographs are from an upcoming series of mine called ‘Spectrum’. For this series I tried to leverage colour relationships to evoke specific moods, highlight subjects and create a harmonious or dynamic composition intertwined with the natural world…transforming the ordinary into a kaleidoscopic feast for the eyes).

Cerrina Smith - A Rainy Day, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024, 3rd place Portrait
Cerrina Smith – A Rainy Day, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024, 3rd place Portrait. (Self Portrait taken during a rainy day).

George Byrne - Innervisions, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024, 1st Place Photomanipulation
George Byrne – Innervisions, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024, 1st Place Photomanipulation. (For the Innervisions series, I wanted to explore ideas around the subconscious mind by tapping into dreams and symbols. This process led me to further embrace the less literal aspects of my photographic practice.
The resulting images, while rooted in the urban environments of LA and Miami, are largely dreamscapes. I also tried approaching certain images like abstract paintings, these are impressions, heavily edited and assembled in ways as to promote the composition, rather than the context.
The term Innervisions was inspired by Stevie Wonder’s 1973 masterpiece of the same name – a record about the sensory joys/struggles of the inner self).

Eva Chupikova - Anna, Minimalist Photographer of the Year 2024, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024
Eva Chupikova – Anna, Minimalist Photographer of the Year 2024, Minimalist Photography Awards 2024. (Anna draws inspiration from the Renaissance, a period that celebrated the revival of classical artistic values and principles like harmony and proportion. Garments of that era were designed with intricate patterns, rich fabrics, and luxurious embellishments to symbolize wealth and social status. In our contemporary world, garments are manufactured with cheap labor at low cost to maximize profits. The result thereof is that we are engulfed in material excess and overwhelmed by visual and information stimuli. Materialism is the “new” symbolism of wealth and social status. In all this chaos, we yearn for a new sense of conformity and balance with our environment and ourselves. Whilst Anna conceptually is influenced by the Renaissance era, Anna’s vision is rooted in a more minimalist concept that eliminates the unnecessary, focusing solely on the essential – finding „beauty“ in simplicity).

– website:

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