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iPhone Photography Awards 2023 - The Winners

iPhone Photography Awards 2023 – The Winners

| On 02, Ago 2023

Il messicano Ivan Silva si aggiudica il “Photographer of the year – Grand Prize” con lo scatto intitolato “Heroe”.

di Redazione Art Vibes

Picture: Ivan Silva (Mexico) – Heroe, Arandas, Jalisco Mexico, Shot on iPhone 12 Pro, Photographer of the Year, Grand Prize. © IPPAWARDS.

Sono migliaia le immagini che hanno partecipato alla sedicesima edizione degli iPhone Photography Awards, il contest che raccoglie fotografie provenienti da ogni parte del mondo, realizzate con il dispositivo mobile targato Apple.

Molti degli scatti premiati si sono rivelati abili a catturare la bellezza di un momento, sia che si tratti di una fronda che si prepara a dispiegarsi, di una nebbia mattutina che aleggia sopra una fattoria addormentata o di uno stormo di gabbiani diretti verso la loro prossima destinazione.

Il vincitore assoluto, insignito del titolo di “Photographer of the year – Grand Prize” è stato il messicano Ivan Silva, autore dell’immagine intitolata, “Heroe“, scatto che ritrae un ragazzino con indosso la maglia di Messi mentre sembra presentarsi al mondo dalla sommità di un camioncino.

Il premio First Place Photographer of the Year è andato alla tedesca Thea Mihu, premiata per la sua immagine intitolata “Soy Sauce Village”, uno scatto delicato per toni cromatici, un’immagine armoniosa ritrae un uomo al lavoro nella provincia di Hung Yen ad Hanoi (Vietnam).

Il secondo premio è stato assegnato a Sasa Borozan della Bosnia-Erzegovina e alla sua immagine “Taming Waves“, uno scatto che ritrae un bambino di spalle su una banchina mentre armeggia con una fune.

Al terzo posto si è classificata l’immagine intitolata “Tucson morning” dell’autore americano Derek Hager

Per scoprire tutti vincitori delle singole categorie vi invitiamo a scoprire la gallery sul sito ufficiale della manifestazione. Qui di seguito qualche anticipazione…


Thea Mihu (Germany) - Soy Sauce Village, Hung Yen Province, HaNoi, Vietnam. Shot on iPhone 12 ProMax, Photographer of the Year First Place
Thea Mihu (Germany) – Soy Sauce Village, Hung Yen Province, HaNoi, Vietnam. Shot on iPhone 12 ProMax, Photographer of the Year First Place. © IPPAWARDS

Sasa Borozan (Bosnia and Herzegovina) - Taming Waves, Sladjenovici, Croatia Shot on iPhone 13 Pro. Photographer of the Year, Second place, iPhone Photography Awards 2023
Sasa Borozan (Bosnia and Herzegovina) – Taming Waves, Sladjenovici, Croatia Shot on iPhone 13 Pro. Photographer of the Year, Second place, iPhone Photography Awards 2023. © IPPAWARDS

Tim Wheeler (Sweden) - The Long Wait Stockholm, Sweden, Shot on iPhone 7 Plus. First Place - Abstract, iPhone Photography Awards 2023
Tim Wheeler (Sweden) – The Long Wait Stockholm, Sweden, Shot on iPhone 7 Plus. First Place – Abstract, iPhone Photography Awards 2023. © IPPAWARDS

Skye Snyder - Pink Flamingos, Shot on iPhone 12 Pro Max. First Place - Animals, iPhone Photography Awards 2023
Skye Snyder – Pink Flamingos, Shot on iPhone 12 Pro Max. First Place – Animals, iPhone Photography Awards 2023. © IPPAWARDS

Edwin Cabingan (Australia) - Shadows of History Sydney, Australia, Shot on iPhone 11 Pro Max. First Place - Architecture, iPhone Photography Awards 2023
Edwin Cabingan (Australia) – Shadows of History Sydney, Australia, Shot on iPhone 11 Pro Max. First Place – Architecture, iPhone Photography Awards 2023. © IPPAWARDS

Akira Kawahata (United States) - Oculus, New York City, New York Shot on iPhone 13 Pro Max, Second Place - Architecture, iPhone Photography Awards 2023
Akira Kawahata (United States) – Oculus, New York City, New York Shot on iPhone 13 Pro Max, Second Place – Architecture, iPhone Photography Awards 2023. © IPPAWARDS

Sofia Ershova (USA) - Girl, Orange County, California Shot on iPhone 13 Pro. First Place - Children Girl Orange,  iPhone Photography Awards 2023
Sofia Ershova (USA) – Girl, Orange County, California Shot on iPhone 13 Pro. First Place – Children Girl Orange, iPhone Photography Awards 2023. © IPPAWARDS

Zhang Xiaojun (China) - Duet, Linhai Zhejiang, China Shot on iPhone 14 Pro Max. Third Place - Children, iPhone Photography Awards 2023
Zhang Xiaojun (China) – Duet, Linhai Zhejiang, China Shot on iPhone 14 Pro Max. Third Place – Children, iPhone Photography Awards 2023. © IPPAWARDS

Linda Repasky (United States) - The Tiny Tree, Belchertown, Massachusetts, Shot on iPhone 14 Pro. Third Place - Landscape, iPhone Photography Awards 2023
Linda Repasky (United States) – The Tiny Tree, Belchertown, Massachusetts, Shot on iPhone 14 Pro. Third Place – Landscape, iPhone Photography Awards 2023. © IPPAWARDS

Santiago Martinez de Septien (Spain) - Coronavirus Confinement Malaga, Spain Shot on iPhone 11 Pro. Third Place - Lifestyle, iPhone Photography Awards 2023
Santiago Martinez de Septien (Spain) – Coronavirus Confinement Malaga, Spain Shot on iPhone 11 Pro. Third Place – Lifestyle, iPhone Photography Awards 2023. © IPPAWARDS

Pamela Jones-Morton (United States) - Majestic Bald Cypress Stand, Lake Bradford, Tallahassee, Florida, Shot on iPhone 11 Pro. Third Place - Nature,  iPhone Photography Awards 2023
Pamela Jones-Morton (United States) – Majestic Bald Cypress Stand, Lake Bradford, Tallahassee, Florida, Shot on iPhone 11 Pro. Third Place – Nature, iPhone Photography Awards 2023. © IPPAWARDS

Daniel Heilig (Germany) - Sunset Years, Lago di Garda, Torbole, Italy, Shot on iPhone 12 Pro Max. First Place - People, iPhone Photography Awards 2023
Daniel Heilig (Germany) – Sunset Years, Lago di Garda, Torbole, Italy, Shot on iPhone 12 Pro Max. First Place – People, iPhone Photography Awards 2023. © IPPAWARDS

Tao Fan (USA) - Old School Iron and Steel Plant, Inner Mongolia, Shot on iPhone 11. First Place - Other, iPhone Photography Awards 2023
Tao Fan (USA) – Old School Iron and Steel Plant, Inner Mongolia, Shot on iPhone 11. First Place – Other, iPhone Photography Awards 2023. © IPPAWARDS

Juan Castaneda (USA) - Kapkungkap Tadau, Phuket, Thailand, Shot on iPhone 124 Pro Max. Second Place - Series, iPhone Photography Awards 2023
Juan Castaneda (USA) – Kapkungkap Tadau, Phuket, Thailand, Shot on iPhone 124 Pro Max. Second Place – Series, iPhone Photography Awards 2023. © IPPAWARDS

Leland Smith (United States) - Emma’s Pail, Redington Shores, Florida, Shot on iPhone 12 Pro. Third Place - Still Life, iPhone Photography Awards 2023.
Leland Smith (United States) – Emma’s Pail, Redington Shores, Florida, Shot on iPhone 12 Pro. Third Place – Still Life, iPhone Photography Awards 2023. © IPPAWARDS

Ramazan Cirakoglu (Turkiye) - Last Drop, Çorum, Türkiye, Shot on iPhone 12. First Place - Portrait, iPhone Photography Awards 2023
Ramazan Cirakoglu (Turkiye) – Last Drop, Çorum, Türkiye, Shot on iPhone 12. First Place – Portrait, iPhone Photography Awards 2023. © IPPAWARDS

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