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Minimalist Photography Awards 2022 - The Winners

Minimalist Photography Awards 2022 – The Winners

| On 03, Ott 2022

La serie “Forms of murmurations” di Daniel Dancescu trionfa nella quarta edizione dei Minimalist Photography Awards, il prestigioso contest fotografico legato all’estetica fotografica minimalista.

di Redazione Art Vibes

Picture: Jason Au – Geometric Hong Kong, Street, 2nd place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022.

Minimalist Photography Awards è un’associazione senza scopo di lucro, promossa dalla rivista in bianco e nero Minimalism e fondata da Milad Safabakhsh, che mira a riconoscere, premiare ed esporre fotografi di talento in tutto il mondo e introdurli nel settore della fotografia professionale.

Milad Safabakhsh, fondatore e presidente di MPA, ha affermato: “Il Minimalist Photography Award è l’unica fondazione che si occupa in modo estensivo e professionale della fotografia minimalista come branca della fotografia, in cui la visione artistica fotografica prende il sopravvento“.

Per la quarta edizione della rassegna sono state prese in considerazione 12 categorie. A giudicare sono state reclutate figure di spicco della fotografia contemporanea, tra cui:

– Rob Hardy, Direttore della fotografia (Ex Machina)
– Jennifer Kostuik, Galleria Jennifer Kostuik
Sashaku, Collezionista d’arte

– Peter Molick, Fotografo e collezionista
– Milad Safabakhsh, Premi fotografici minimalisti

Sono state presentate più di 3400 fotografie da 43 paesi diversi, il fotografo tedesco Daniel Dencescu invece ha vinto il titolo di fotografo minimalista dell’anno 2022 e un premio di $ 2.000, presentando la serie intitolata “Forms of murmurations“.


Daniel Dencescu - Forms of murmurations, Abstract, 1st Place Winner Minimalist Photography Awards 2022
Daniel Dencescu – Forms of murmurations, Abstract, 1st Place Winner Minimalist Photography Awards 2022

Gleici Rufatto - Line, form and color, Abstract, 3rd Place Winner Minimalist Photography Awards 2022
Gleici Rufatto – Line, form and color, Abstract, 3rd Place Winner Minimalist Photography Awards 2022

Daniel Franc - A river in Southern Iceland, Aerial, 1st Place Winner Minimalist Photography Awards 2022
Daniel Franc – A river in Southern Iceland, Aerial, 1st Place Winner Minimalist Photography Awards 2022

Daniel Fisher - Cluster One, Architecture, 1st Place Winner Minimalist Photography Awards 2022
Daniel Fisher – Cluster One, Architecture, 1st Place Winner Minimalist Photography Awards 2022

Michael Laughlin - Union intersection, Blue Silo, Architecture, 2nd Place Winner Minimalist Photography Awards 2022
Michael Laughlin – Union intersection, Architecture, Blue Silo, 2nd Place Winner Minimalist Photography Awards 2022

Allen Koppe - In Time, Conceptual, 1st Place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022
Allen Koppe – In Time, Conceptual, 1st Place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022

Jacob Mitchell - Empty Sign, Conceptual, 2nd Place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022
Jacob Mitchell – Empty Sign, Conceptual, 2nd Place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022

Tara Workman - Simple Elegance, Landscape, 1st Place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022
Tara Workman – Simple Elegance, Landscape, 1st Place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022

Eva Chupikova - Brush´n´ink, Landscape, 2nd Place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022
Eva Chupikova – Brush´n´ink, Landscape, 2nd Place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022

Guido Klumpe - Small additions, Open, 1st Place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022
Guido Klumpe – Small additions, Open, 1st Place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022

Martin Annand - Huts, Long Exposure, 1st place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022
Martin Annand – Huts, Long Exposure, 1st place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022

Chris Fraikin - Garage doors, Open, 2nd Place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022
Chris Fraikin – Garage doors, Open, 2nd Place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022

Fredrik Gille - Dancers in Black White, Portrait, 1st Place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022
Fredrik Gille – Dancers in Black White, Portrait, 1st Place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022

Tamás Wachsler - After a long day, Street, 1st Place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022
Tamás Wachsler – After a long day, Street, 1st Place Minimalist Photography Awards 2022

– via: Art Vibes submission – photo courtesy of: Minimalist Photography Awards.

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