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Art Vibes – Let's share beauty | September 7, 2024

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Tom Fruin - Stained Glass House Installation

Tom Fruin – Kolonihavehus, Stained Glass House

| On 17, Ott 2014

La casa di plexigless policromatica, l’ultima installazione dell’artista Tom Fruin.

di Redazione Art Vibes

– Top Photo credits: Axel Taferner

In vista del DUMBO Arts Festival di New York, lo scultore Tom Fruin ci ha regalato un’altra delle sue meravigliose installazioni policromatiche.

Kolonihavehus, questo il nome del suo lavoro, è una coloratissima casa di plexiglas, realizzata in collaborazione con CoreAct, ed è posizionata nei pressi del Brooklyn Bridge Park.
L’abitazione crea un’atmosfera unica con giochi di luce fantastici. Se siete a New York non perdete l’occasione di vederla da vicino, l’installazione sarà visibile in questa location fino a giugno del prossimo anno!

– images via: Colossal

– Photo courtesy of: Shawn Hoke, Gigi Altarejos, reyes837 and Dumbo arts festival.

Tom Fruin – Kolonihavehus, Stained Glass House
Kolonihavehus, Stained Glass House. Photo credits: Shawn Hoke
Kolonihavehus, Stained Glass House . Photo credits: Shawn Hoke

Kolonihavehus, Stained Glass House . Photo credits: Dumbo arts festival
Kolonihavehus, Stained Glass House. Photo credits: Dumbo arts festival

Kolonihavehus, Stained Glass House . Photo credits: Gigi Altarejos
Kolonihavehus, Stained Glass House . Photo credits: Gigi Altarejos

Kolonihavehus, Stained Glass House. Photo credits: Dumbo arts festival
Kolonihavehus, Stained Glass House . Photo credits: Dumbo arts festival

Kolonihavehus, Stained Glass House . Photo credits:  reyes837
Kolonihavehus, Stained Glass House . Photo credits: reyes837

Exhibition info::

– Tom Fruin – Kolonihavehus, Stained Glass House

When: September 2014 – June 2015.
Where: Kolonihavehus, Brooklyn Bridge Park (near Jane’s Carousel).

Further reading:

– Tom Fruin website:

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